
Words That Don't Translate

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Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Mahalo Thankfulness, appreciation, and gratitude as a way of living Hawaiian positive
Pochemuchka A person who asks a lot of questions Russian friends attribute habits
Tôpäj (төпәй) Interjection that is used to forewarn a child of falling Bashkir action
Décidément When coincidences occur or when events repeat themselves by chance (for example, when you run into the same person many times in one week) French surprise interaction fate
Avoir la molle A listless unwillingness to do any work French adverse
Schwärmerei Excessive or extreme enthusiasm or sentimentality. German happiness
कौतुक (Kautuk) What is required is steady, constructive effort, not lightning speed and empty show Marathi philosophy persistence
Ennui A feeling of being bored and mentally tired caused by having nothing interesting or exciting to do English adverse feeling
Énouement The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self. French awareness philosophy
Moriturism The sudden reminder that you will one day no longer occupy this earth English awareness philosophy life
Abbiocco The feeling of falling asleep after lunch or dinner Italian food feeling
Mechaye Joy, pleasure; something that gives great joy/pleasure. Yiddish positive
Gula Gluttony, greed; indulgence; eating simply for the taste (i.e., not from hunger). Spanish adverse
Lítost Sate of agony and torment created by the sudden sight of one’s own misery. Czech adverse awareness fate
Pulsa To walk laboriously in snow. Swedish physical nature
Fachidiot Someone who knows a great deal about a very narrow subject German thinking attribute
Verklempt Completely overcome with emotion Yiddish emotion
Torschlusspanik The fear that time is running out on achieving life goals German growth awareness
Egyszer volt budán kutyavásár Literal: "there was a dog-market in Buda only once"; translates to essentially a once in a lifetime opportunity Hungarian life fate exciting
Erbsenzähler Literally "a person who literally counts their peas"; someone who is nitpicky and always trying to make things perfect German attribute measurement extreme
Abendrot The colour of the sky when the sun is setting German nature beauty
Naz The pride that comes from knowing that you are loved no matter what you do Urdu love strength positive
Obhimaan (অভিমান ) Anger, or something close to it, at being upset with a loved one. Abhiman is not anger or sorrow. It is a temporary expression of a feeling about a loved one that he or she is supposed to address. Bengali adverse feeling
Mbuki-mvuki To shake off your clothes to dance more freely Swahili clothing music
Urkn Similar to Siwon but has a greater depth in taste. Literally derived from "face-chilling spicy" Usually used to describe heavier stews than word "siwon" Korean food taste
Chutzpah Insolence, cheek, audacity. Commonly used to describe someone when they have crossed the line of acceptable behavior Yiddish extreme
Hoʻoponopono Mutual forgiveness. Hawaiian connection character emotion
Rocambolesco Stunning action that requires extreme audacity; literally means "there's no need" as in "there's no need to thank you" Italian extreme surprise
Shinrin-yoku (森林浴) bathing' in the forest (literally and/or metaphorically). Japanese nature event
Monachopsis The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place English awareness society

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