
Words That Don't Translate

Eunoia was built in 24h by Steph. Search 700+ untranslatable words by 80+ languages and 60+ tags, or click refresh to see a new batch. Enjoy!

Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Jouska A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head English thinking
Półtora Specific word for one and a half of something Polish measurement
Panapoo'o The act of searching your head in order to help you remember something you have forgotten. Hawaiian habits
Zeg The day after tomorrow Georgian time measurement
Dygn Day and night; 24 hours Swedish measurement
Bimyou Not bad, or "meh" Japanese attribute
Talaka Every member of a neighborhood getting together to do a work for free for a poor member of their community Nogay community connection
Weltschmerz Feeling hopeless about the state our world is currently in ("world pain") German adverse society
Charmolypi "Joy-making sorrow". A mixed feeling of happiness while being sad. Greek happiness adverse philosophy
Anemoia Nostalgia for a time that you have never lived Greek reflection philosophy
L’chaim (לְחַיִּים) Lit. ‘to life’. Hebrew life
Uffda A sympathetic word to be used when someone else is in pain. It combines ‘Ouch for you’ and ‘Oh, I’m sorry you hurt yourself’ Norwegian empathy emotion awareness
Verschlimmbessern Literally "worsen better"; making something worse while trying to improve it German action
답답하다 Dabdabhae Literally means stuffy; the feeling of needing to get something off your chest. Or when you want to say something but can't, or an awkward situation where people aren't saying what they mean. Korean social feeling
Tima Not being ready to spend time or money on a specific thing, despite being able to afford it Icelandic thinking action
Eudaimonia The contented happy state you feel when you travel Greek travel explore happiness
Konfliktfähigkeit the ability to manage interpersonal conflict constructivly, without becoming personally involved. German growth
Tulak ng bibig, kabig ng dibdib. Pretending to dislike something, when it reality you actually like it. Literal translation, "push of the mouth, pull (drawing closer to self) of the chest". Tagalog action
Kabelsalat Tangled up cables; literally “cable-salad" German funny physical
Eunoia A well-mind; beautiful thinking Greek beauty
Załatwić To make something which is very complicated somehow simpler in an entrepreneurial and cheeky way Polish creative action
Razbliuto The feeling for someone you used to love but no longer do Russian love change awareness
Limerence the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one's feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship. English emotion love
Hinna "To find the time” or “to be on time” Swedish time
Vorfreude The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures German time awareness happiness
Serendipity The development of events by chance that result in a beneficial way Tamil event beauty life
Sehnsucht Thoughts and feelings about all facets of life that are unfinished or imperfect, paired with a yearning for ideal alternative experiences. German philosophy reflection
Goya (گویا) The transporting suspension of disbelief that can occur in storytelling Urdu surprise
Vipāka (विपाक) Ripening; the result, ripening or maturation of karma. Sanskrit growth
Nja Combining no (nej) and yes (ja); neither yes or no (or both yes and no); expressing uncertainty. Swedish measurement

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