
Words That Don't Translate

Eunoia was built in 24h by Steph. Search 700+ untranslatable words by 80+ languages and 60+ tags, or click refresh to see a new batch. Enjoy!

Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Kenjataimu "wise man's time": The post-orgasmic period when a man's thoughts are no longer impaired by his sexual drive; he is thus likened to a "sage" of clear mind Japanese awareness
Wú jí (無極) Lit. without highest point, utmost point, ridgepole; ultimate, boundless, limitless; the primodial universe; original nature. Chinese measurement
Ômä (өмә) Collective helping Bashkir society positive
Strikhedonia The joy of being able to say "to hell with it" English positive
Cierrabares "Bar-closer". A person who usually leave the party on last place. Spanish friends social
Dapjeongneo Used when someone asks a question despite knowing the answer, expecting the listener to make a smart and studied guess Korean society interaction
Hoʻoponopono Mutual forgiveness. Hawaiian connection character emotion
Panapoo'o The act of searching your head in order to help you remember something you have forgotten. Hawaiian habits
Selcouth Rare, strange, marvellous, wondrous. English attribute
Jein Yes and no German attribute measurement
Cavoli riscaldati Literally "reheated cabbage"; When you attempt to start up a failed relationship or love affair Italian love event persistence
Dor The heartbreak and sense of longing you feel because you’re separated from your love Romanian love adverse
Wejbet Unwanted/inconvenient social and family obligations that are somewhat necessary to maintain good relations Arabic family interaction cultural
Mono no aware The bittersweetness of a brief and grading moment of transcendent beauty. Japanese beauty
Tizita (ትዝታ) A bittersweet remembrance and longing for a time, person, thing gone by. Amharic time thinking
Rizq Life's provision of account. Often used in daily speech when someone wasn’t able to achieve something, it wasn’t in their Rizq. Urdu philosophy connection
Ellipsism A sadness that you'll never be able to know how history will turn out English adverse thinking time
Aimonomia Being scared to learn the ‘why’ of something English adverse feeling thinking
Te quiero Similar to "I love you" in a lower level, something that you say to someone and maybe someday it will be "love". For example, It's used with close co workers or in the classroom. Spanish feeling
inssa Short word of insider = trendy people who catch up with the trends Korean society
Waldeinsamkeit The feeling of solitude in the woods German nature beauty
Anteayer The day before yesteraday Spanish measurement
Numinous Describing an experience that makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted - the powerful, personal feeling of being overwhelmed an inspired English beauty emotion
Zhaghzhagh The chattering of teeth from the cold or from rage Tamil adverse action physical
Schnapsidee An idea you have when you're drunk and will probably not considered anymore once you're sober German thinking change
Volya (Воля) "Freedom" and "will", but also vast natural landscape Russian nature beauty
Frostbeule Someone that is very sensitive to cold. That friend that always feels cold. ("frost bite") German attribute friends
Fucha To use company time and resources for one's own purposes Portuguese work adverse
Xíng qì (行氣) Volitionally (e.g., mentally) circulating or directing qi. Chinese growth awareness strength
Schnickschnack Items of little value; empty words that people may utter German adverse

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