
Words That Don't Translate

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Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Nementia Feeling nervous or anxious in your own skin English feeling adverse
Faamiti The sound made by sucking air past the lips in order to gain the attention of a dog or child Samoan sound
Utura-utura (うつらうつら) To drift between sleep and wakefulness. Japanese event time phsyical
Zapoi 2+ days of drunkenness usually involving a journey or waking up in an unexpected place Russian funny adverse habits
Mágoa A heart-breaking feeling that leaves long-lasting traces, visible in gestures and facial expressions Portuguese adverse emotion
Warmduscher Literal: 'A person that takes warm showers'; to describe those who have trouble stepping out of their comfort zone German funny attribute growth
Erbsenzähler Literally "a person who literally counts their peas"; someone who is nitpicky and always trying to make things perfect German attribute measurement extreme
Baadastoor Unaltered, or unchanged, for something that is habitual Urdu change habits
Kintsukuroi To repair with gold. Understanding that a piece is more beautiful for having broken. Japanese beauty change
Anecdoche A conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening. English friends life
Cavoli riscaldati Literally "reheated cabbage"; When you attempt to start up a failed relationship or love affair Italian love event persistence
Rückkehrunruhe The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness. German awareness time
Nehrotit to Literal: “Not to make X into a sharp point"; a choice not to stress about something Czech stress happiness
Nameer (نمير) Clear water. Arabic nature attribute
Liberosis The desire to care less about things. English thinking awareness
Seigneur-terrasse Someone who spends time, but not money, at a café French funny life
Mechaye Joy, pleasure; something that gives great joy/pleasure. Yiddish positive
Spätzünder A person who needs a long time to understands sth/ so who makes belated progress of personal development German adverse
Weltschmerz Feeling hopeless about the state our world is currently in ("world pain") German adverse society
Jafjafa (جفجفة) The sound of new clothes. Arabic attribute life
kaizen Continuous growth Japanese growth
Jouissance "an excess of life", often translated as joy but also can be understood as catharsis French attribute
Agnosthesia The state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your behavior English confusion thinking
Oodal Overly exaggerated, fake anger that follows a lovers’ quarrel Tamil love event feeling
Hoppilandkalle Guy who jumps to dry land to moor a boat Swedish action
Gretchenfrage A direct question with the intention of unveiling the underlying thoughts of the person being questioned German awareness connection
Koi No Yokan The feeling upon meeting someone that falling in love with them is inevitable. Japanese love
Sous-entendu Don't listen to what you heard. Listen for the message embedded. French awareness reflection
Xíng qì (行氣) Volitionally (e.g., mentally) circulating or directing qi. Chinese growth awareness strength
Crapoter verb. To not take a lungful of a cigarette. French health action society

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