
Words That Don't Translate

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Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Milozvučan Having a sweet and gentle voice Croatian attribute physical
Pena ajena "I feel embarrassed for you" Spanish emotion attribute
Pretoogjes Lit. 'fun eyes'; the twinkling eyes of someone engaging in benign mischief or fun. Dutch attribute phsyical
Raspafiestas An adjective to describe a person who doesn't go until the party is over. Spanish habits attribute friends
Paavam Someone who is innocent, naive, not well-versed with ways of the world Malayalam attribute
Overskud Extra/excess energy; do have sufficient resources to do something; profit (in an economic context). Danish attribute
Minestra riscaldata Literally "heated soup"; something done again but never as good as the first time it happened. Alternative to cavoli riscaldati (heated cabbage) Italian attribute
Umami A category of taste in food (besides sweet, sour, salt, and bitter); savoriness Japanese food attribute
Noniná Triple negation. Means yes, with emphasis. Spanish attribute measurement positive
Erbsenzähler Literally "a person who literally counts their peas"; someone who is nitpicky and always trying to make things perfect German attribute measurement extreme
Luftmensch Literal: "air person". Refers to someone who is a bit of a dreamer Yiddish attribute
Jouissance "an excess of life", often translated as joy but also can be understood as catharsis French attribute
Kos Cosiness, warmth, intimacy; kose as a verb; koselig as an adjective. Norwegian attribute
Frostbeule Someone that is very sensitive to cold. That friend that always feels cold. ("frost bite") German attribute friends
Selcouth Rare, strange, marvellous, wondrous. English attribute
Rehepaplus A kind of entrepreneurialism that mustn't always have the moral high ground. Clever, sometimes at the expense of others and their stupidity. The word can be used as both a positive (quick thinker) as a negative (scammer). Estonian character attribute
Pomicione A man who seizes any chance of being in close contact with a woman Italian attribute
Schlimazel A chronically unlucky person Yiddish attribute adverse
Akrasia When you know what to do in theory, but don’t act on it in practice. The literal translation is “weakness of will.” Akrasia is how people struggle to take action, even though the Internet gives them unlimited information. Greek philosophy attribute
Oxymoron Figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction English attribute confusion
Mana The prestige, power, dominance of something or someone Māori attribute
Recherché Rare, exotic, unusual; not understood or appreciated by many people. French beauty attribute
Weichei Literal: "soft egg"; someone who is weak or cowardly German adverse attribute
Séanas A gap between the upper front teeth Irish physical attribute
Lekker Literal translation "tasty", but can be used to describe anything that has one's hearty approval Afrikaans positive attribute

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