
Words That Don't Translate

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Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Ikigai A reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning. Japanese growth happiness
Charmolypi "Joy-making sorrow". A mixed feeling of happiness while being sad. Greek happiness adverse philosophy
Voorpret That feeling of excitement you get even before an event actually takes place. Literally translates to “pre-fun.” Dutch happiness feeling exciting
Kairosclerosis A moment in which you realize that you're happy but simultaneously destroy that happiness by overthinking it English happiness reflection change
Tokimeki ときめき Excitement; Feeling of bliss or joy from a discrete experience Japanese emotion feeling happiness
Firgun (פירגון) Ungrudging and overt (expressed) pride and happiness at other's successes. Hebrew happiness
Fahrvergnügen The love of simply driving German adventure happiness
Nehrotit to Literal: “Not to make X into a sharp point"; a choice not to stress about something Czech stress happiness
Sophrosyne A healthy state of mind, characterized by self-control, moderation, and a deep awareness of one's true self, and resulting in one's true happiness. Greek awareness happiness reflection
Chaval al hazman (חבל אל הזמן) Literally "shame on time"; referring to an amazing experience that you don't want to end Hebrew beauty happiness time
Eudaimonia The contented happy state you feel when you travel Greek travel explore happiness
Taraadin A happy solution for everyone Arabic happiness society
Vorfreude The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures German time awareness happiness
Mudita The pleasure that comes from delighting in other people's well-being or happiness Sanskrit happiness positive empathy
Şikemperver Someone who is very fond of eating and drinking Turkish food happiness
Arbejdsglæde Literally "work happiness"; the feeling of happiness provoked by a satisfying job Danish work happiness feeling
Bon vivant Someone who enjoys and appreciates the good life. French positive happiness
Querencia A place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home, the place where you are your most authentic self Spanish strength happiness character
Fargin To wholeheartedly appreciate the success of others Yiddish empathy happiness connection
Mysa Can mean "cosying up" or "to snuggle", but in braoder sense, it means to "have a nice and relaxed time" Swedish happiness time
Levensgenieter Someone who loves life deeply; is devoted Dutch life happiness positive
Schwärmerei Excessive or extreme enthusiasm or sentimentality. German happiness

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