
Words That Don't Translate

Eunoia was built in 24h by Steph. Search 700+ untranslatable words by 80+ languages and 60+ tags, or click refresh to see a new batch. Enjoy!

Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Resfeber Travel fever/bug; the feeling of excitement and nervousness experienced by a traveller before undertaking a journey. Swedish travel physical
Tîeow (เที่ยว) To wander or roam around in a carefree way. Thai travel positive change
Wanderlust A strong desire to travel German travel adventure
Packesel The person who’s stuck carrying everyone else’s bags on a trip German travel physical
Fernweh To have a yearning to see distant places German travel thinking
Eudaimonia The contented happy state you feel when you travel Greek travel explore happiness
Flâner verb. to purposely wander, to decide to explore with no final destination. French explore travel
Akihi The forgetfulness felt immediately after being given directions Hawaiian stress confusion travel

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