
Words That Don't Translate

Eunoia was built in 24h by Steph. Search 700+ untranslatable words by 80+ languages and 60+ tags, or click refresh to see a new batch. Enjoy!

Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Að redda To save someone or fix something in a time sensitive manner. Icelandic time
Gluggaveður "Window Weather" i.e. weather that is nice to look at through a window but not nice to be out in Icelandic weather visual
Þetta reddast it will all work out ok' (used especially when things don't look optimistic!). Icelandic fate
Nenna Not having the will to do something Icelandic energy strength
Tima Not being ready to spend time or money on a specific thing, despite being able to afford it Icelandic thinking action
Víðsýni A panoramic view; open-mindedness. Icelandic visual

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