
Words That Don't Translate

Eunoia was built in 24h by Steph. Search 700+ untranslatable words by 80+ languages and 60+ tags, or click refresh to see a new batch. Enjoy!

Word Definition Language Tags Audio
kataṟu (கதறு) Helplessly shaking and crying Tamil action adverse
arumpu (அரும்பு) A bud, but specifically referring to the stage where it is just starting to bud Tamil nature
cāral (சாரல்) A gentle secondary drizzle either from a waterfall or rain Tamil nature
piñcu (பிஞ்சு) Young, baby fruit Tamil food
uḷaṟu (உளறு) To say something that should not be or to say somethng nonsensical or unrelated Tamil awareness adverse
Vaitherichal The feeling that you get when someone has something that you lack, however you are not jealous, yet instead feel as though they should not possess that because you don't Tamil adverse thinking
Zhaghzhagh The chattering of teeth from the cold or from rage Tamil adverse action physical
Serendipity The development of events by chance that result in a beneficial way Tamil event beauty life
tuḷir (துளிர்) Technically "a baby leaf", but it specifcally means a freshness tenderness, delicateness Tamil attribute beauty
Oodal Overly exaggerated, fake anger that follows a lovers’ quarrel Tamil love event feeling
kaṟpu (கற்பு) Determination to chastity, even in the face of adversity Tamil strength

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