
Words That Don't Translate

Eunoia was built in 24h by Steph. Search 700+ untranslatable words by 80+ languages and 60+ tags, or click refresh to see a new batch. Enjoy!

Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Aesthete Someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature English art beauty
Offing The deep, distant stretch of the ocean that is still visible from the land; the foreseeable future English nature beauty
Abendrot The colour of the sky when the sun is setting German nature beauty
Serendipity The development of events by chance that result in a beneficial way Tamil event beauty life
Wabi-sabi Finding beauty within the imperfections of life and peacefully accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay. Japanese beauty awareness
Petrichor The smell of earth after rain English nature beauty
Commuovere "Heartwarming,” but specifically refers to a story that moved you to tears Italian beauty interaction emotion
Gökotta To rise at dawn in order to go out and listen to the birds sing Swedish nature beauty
Recherché Rare, exotic, unusual; not understood or appreciated by many people. French beauty attribute
Достолепие (dostolepiye) Contains the roots for dosta (a lot) and lepota (beautiful) from Old Bulgarian language. The word literally means full of beauty but it is more like a combination of noble, full of values, beautiful and brave for man and femininity for women. It is very typical to use this word in context of old traditional photos of people where one appreciate the beauty of the past. Bulgarian beauty
Ubuntu A quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity. Zulu beauty character awareness
Uitwaaien To take a refreshing break outdoors in windy weather Dutch nature life beauty
Livsnjutare Someone who loves life deeply Swedish love life beauty
Mono no aware The bittersweetness of a brief and grading moment of transcendent beauty. Japanese beauty
Solkatt The glimmer that reflects the sunshine off a wristwatch Swedish physical beauty
Yakamoz The reflection of moonlight or other lights on water Turkish nature beauty
Rudenėja The transition from summer to fall, used to describe all the processes during the change of the seasons, for example leaves changing the colour, constant rain, etc. Lithuanian beauty change
Punya “Merit,” “virtue”, “sacred", "good karma", among other things Sanskrit beauty
Komorebi (木漏れ日) Lit. wood is ‘leaking’ sunlight; dappled sunlight filtering through leaves. Japanese nature beauty
Waldeinsamkeit The feeling of solitude in the woods German nature beauty
Chaval al hazman (חבל אל הזמן) Literally "shame on time"; referring to an amazing experience that you don't want to end Hebrew beauty happiness time
Volya (Воля) "Freedom" and "will", but also vast natural landscape Russian nature beauty
Eunoia (εὔνοια) A well-mind; beautiful thinking Greek beauty thinking
Vozdukh (Воздух) "Air" but also "the stack of spirit". To breathe in is to "take the spirit inside". Russian beauty physical
Eesome Pleasing to the eye English beauty

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