
Words That Don't Translate

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Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Manna A sudden or unexpected help, advantage, or aid to success English change positive
Nunchi The art of listening to a person and identifying his or her moods or emotions. The literal combination of "eye" and measure" Korean interaction connection emotion
Ubuntu A quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity. Zulu beauty character awareness
Pragma longtime love, such as in long marriages Greek love family
Ghalidan Rolling from side to side as lovers do Persian love action connection
Достолепие (dostolepiye) Contains the roots for dosta (a lot) and lepota (beautiful) from Old Bulgarian language. The word literally means full of beauty but it is more like a combination of noble, full of values, beautiful and brave for man and femininity for women. It is very typical to use this word in context of old traditional photos of people where one appreciate the beauty of the past. Bulgarian beauty
Consuegro Father in law of your son Spanish family
Kenjataimu "wise man's time": The post-orgasmic period when a man's thoughts are no longer impaired by his sexual drive; he is thus likened to a "sage" of clear mind Japanese awareness
Nadryv When a person releases intimate, deeply hidden feelings, sometimes that do not truly exist; imaginary, excessively exaggerated and distorted feelings Russian emotion extreme
Retrouvailles Lit. 'rediscovery'; a reunion (e.g., with loved ones after a long time apart). French friends family
Pulesveis Messy hair, in particular in the back of the head, resulting from being rubbed against the pillow during sex Norwegian physical
Hanyauku To walk on tiptoes across a hot surface Rukwangali physical action
Aduantas Describes the angst that comes with being in an unfamiliar place and among unfamiliar people Irish stress change
Saudade melancholic longing, nostalgia, dreaming wistfulness. Portuguese life
Nja Combining no (nej) and yes (ja); neither yes or no (or both yes and no); expressing uncertainty. Swedish measurement
Dhurna Extorting payment from someone by sitting at their front door and staying there until you get paid Hindi action persistence
Lachesism The desire to be struck by disaster - to survive a plane crash, or to lose everything in a fire English thinking life fate
Bixomets Shame on behalf of others Catalan feeling adverse
Friluftsliv “Free air life,” signifying a fundamental understanding of the positive impact of being in nature Norwegian nature health
Kweesten Inviting a lover into your bed for some pillow talk Dutch love action event
Ser/Estar The verb 'to be' is two different verbs in Spanish. Ser is 'what you are' and estar is 'how you are/where you are' Spanish attribute
sobremesa After-dinner conversation Spanish food friends
Skare A thin layer of ice on top of snow Swedish physical nature
Noroke To brag about or sing the praises of the person you love Japanese love emotion
Tinga Particles of food left between teeth Tagalog food physical
Xíng qì (行氣) Volitionally (e.g., mentally) circulating or directing qi. Chinese growth awareness strength
Pekopeko Bowing one's head repeatedly in a grovelling manner Japanese physical action
Sirimiri Weak and constant rain; stronger than a mist but less than a shower. Basque weather physical
Autophile A person that loves solitude, being alone English character attribute
Gezellig A warm feeling of cozyness, but also have good times with friends af a party. Dutch feeling positive

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