
Words That Don't Translate

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Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Pragma longtime love, such as in long marriages Greek love family
Naz The pride that comes from knowing that you are loved no matter what you do Urdu love strength positive
Fanaa (فناء) Used in a romantic, and spiritual sense. It could also mean breaking free, escaping ego, dying while your material body hasn’t Urdu fate love
Cwtch Wrapping of your arms around someone to make them feel safe in the world Welsh love connection
Ghalidan Rolling from side to side as lovers do Persian love action connection
Limerence the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one's feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship. English emotion love
Kilig It is the sudden feeling of an inexplicable joy one gets when something romantic or idealistic occurs; butterflies. Tagalog feeling love connection
Drachenfutter A gift to your significant other as a form of apology German love feeling
Fensterln To visit a girl who you fancy either by coming to her window or climbing through it to see her German love action persistence
Onsra That bittersweet feeling of loving for the last time; the feeling when you already know that a love won't last Boro love fate emotion
Ciğerparem Describe love to someone who is in the deepest part of his/her heart; refers to someone that you love as much as your own body. Turkish love connection
Viraag The emotional pain felt from being away from the person you love Hindi emotion love connection
Redamancy The act of loving the one who loves you; a returned love in full English love emotion
Mandilón A male who is super dedicated to his girlfriend, as compared to his friends Spanish love character
Sphallolalia Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere. English love life
Mamihlapinatapai A look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something that they both desire but which neither wants to begin Yaghan love feeling
Livsnjutare Someone who loves life deeply Swedish love life beauty
Storgi (στοργη) the love between parents and children Greek love family
Noroke To brag about or sing the praises of the person you love Japanese love emotion
Koi No Yokan The feeling upon meeting someone that falling in love with them is inevitable. Japanese love
Mecnun "madly in love" to the point of actual mental instability Turkish love emotion
Dor The heartbreak and sense of longing you feel because you’re separated from your love Romanian love adverse
Oodal Overly exaggerated, fake anger that follows a lovers’ quarrel Tamil love event feeling
Forelsket The euphoria you feel when you're first falling in love. Norwegian love feeling change
La douleur exquise The pain that comes from wanting someone you can’t have French feeling awareness love

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