Word | Definition | Language | Tags | Audio |
Te quiero | Similar to "I love you" in a lower level, something that you say to someone and maybe someday it will be "love". For example, It's used with close co workers or in the classroom. | Spanish | feeling | |
Mimoso | Said of something that enjoys being pampered or shown affection | Spanish | attribute love | |
Noniná | Triple negation. Means yes, with emphasis. | Spanish | attribute measurement positive | |
sobremesa | After-dinner conversation | Spanish | food friends | |
Nonina | Andalusian expression of three negations to say yes but with a certain touch, as if wanting to mean that this is not even doubted. | Spanish | cultural | |
Empalagada | How you feel after having something too sweet | Spanish | food feeling | |
Gula | Gluttony, greed; indulgence; eating simply for the taste (i.e., not from hunger). | Spanish | adverse | |
Chimuela | a person lacking one or more teeth | Spanish | physical funny | |
Consuegro | Father in law of your son | Spanish | family | |
Apapachar | Pamper a person especially when she or he is sad | Spanish | action | |
Desvelarse | To wake up in the middle of the night. Be unable to fall asleep. | Spanish | event adverse | |
Merienda | It's something you eat between lunch and dinner (sandwich, fruit...). At 6pm or so. Kids never miss it. | Spanish | food event | |
Anteayer | The day before yesteraday | Spanish | measurement | |
Raspafiestas | An adjective to describe a person who doesn't go until the party is over. | Spanish | habits attribute friends | |
Duende | The mysterious power of art to deeply move a person | Spanish | art feeling emotion | |
Friolero | Someone that is very sensitive to cold. That friend that always feel cold. | Spanish | attribute friends | |
Querencia | A place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home, the place where you are your most authentic self | Spanish | strength happiness character | |
Mandilón | A male who is super dedicated to his girlfriend, as compared to his friends | Spanish | love character | |
Ser/Estar | The verb 'to be' is two different verbs in Spanish. Ser is 'what you are' and estar is 'how you are/where you are' | Spanish | attribute | |
Vergüenza ajena | Shame or embarrassment felt as a result of the actions of others | Spanish | adverse feeling | |
Empalagoso | Too sweet. Adjective to say you ate something so sweet that you got sick of it. | Spanish | food adverse change | |
Chingada | An imaginary, horrible place where you send all those who annoy you | Spanish | funny adverse character | |
Estrenar | The experience of wearing something for the first time | Spanish | life | |
Madrugada | The time of day occurring between past midnight and early morning | Spanish | time measurement | |
Tuerto | A man with only one eye | Spanish | physical |
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