
Words That Don't Translate

Eunoia was built in 24h by Steph. Search 700+ untranslatable words by 80+ languages and 60+ tags, or click refresh to see a new batch. Enjoy!

Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Tingo The act of taking objects one desires from the house of a friend by gradually borrowing all of them Pascuense funny interaction character
Nedoperepitj (недоперепить) To drink more than one should have, but less than one would have wanted. To fail to drink too much. Russian funny action
Schnapsidee An idea so stupid the person must have thought of it while drunk German funny thinking creative
Rire dans sa barbe To laugh in your beard quietly while thinking about something that has happened French funny reflection action
Badkruka Someone who refuses to enter a body of water. Eg. Get in the lake you badkruka, or am I going to have to pull you in by your beard? Swedish funny nature explore
Jayus A joke that is so unfunny (or told so badly) that you just have to laugh. Indonesian funny
Kusukusu The suppressed giggling and tittering of a group of women Japanese sound friends funny
Mencomot Stealing things of small value, mostly for fun rather than out of necessity. Indonesian action funny
Irusu Pretending to be out when someone knocks at your door Japanese event funny
Schlemiel An inept, clumsy person Yiddish attribute funny
Zapoi 2+ days of drunkenness usually involving a journey or waking up in an unexpected place Russian funny adverse habits
Trepverter A witty comeback you think of only when it’s too late to use Yiddish funny life
Istories me arkoudes Literal: 'stories with bears'; stories that are so crazy, they can't be true Greek extreme funny
Turnbeutelvergesser Literally "sportsbag", but often used for a pupil that forgets their gym bag. German funny
Gemes The state of going out of one's mind in adoration of something that is extremely likeable or cute Indonesian funny emotion
Warmduscher Literal: 'A person that takes warm showers'; to describe those who have trouble stepping out of their comfort zone German funny attribute growth
Tenyérbemászó Literally "palm crawler"; a face begging to be punched Hungarian funny adverse
Gigil The urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearably cute Tagalog physical positive funny
Kuidare To eat yourself into backruptcy Japanese food funny
Mencolek The trick when you tap someone lightly on the opposite shoulder from behind to fool them Indonesian funny friends action
Donaldkacsázás Translated as “Donald ducking” or wandering around one’s house with a shirt but no trousers Hungarian funny action
Rhwe To sleep on the floor without a carpet, drunk and naked Tsonga funny event
Neko-neko Someone that has a novel idea that only makes things worse Indonesian funny creative
Prozvonit To call a mobile phone and let it ring once so that the other person will call back, saving the first caller money. Czech life funny event
Treppenwitz Literal: "staircase joke", because the witty retort usually hits you in the stairwell on your way out German funny

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