
Words That Don't Translate

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Word Definition Language Tags Audio
Pole Sorry; can also express empathy and understanding. Swahili thinking life
Age-otori The bad feeling one gets after a terrible haircut Japanese adverse event feeling
Mimoso Said of something that enjoys being pampered or shown affection Spanish attribute love
Kram The quality of snow that makes it moldable so that one make snow balls and snowmen. Norwegian nature attribute
Carpe Diem Make the most of the present moment or opportunity. Lit. sieze the day. Latin positive
Dugnad Communal work in a gathering for mutually accomplishing a task (ex: a knitting bee) Norwegian work society connection
Mencomot Stealing things of small value, mostly for fun rather than out of necessity. Indonesian action funny
Mono no aware The bittersweetness of a brief and grading moment of transcendent beauty. Japanese beauty
Otium The condition of being in control of one’s own time; leisure, free-time; ease, peace. Latin growth time habits
Njuta to deeply enjoy, to profoundly appreciate. Swedish positive
Avos' Doing something without planning, without putting in much effort, yet counting on success Russian luck
Madrugada The time of day occurring between past midnight and early morning Spanish time measurement
Wabi-sabi Finding beauty within the imperfections of life and peacefully accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay. Japanese beauty awareness
Débrouille May be synonymous with resourceful, but it is more of a way of living by making do with little and improvising with what you have French creative
Lachesism The desire to be struck by disaster - to survive a plane crash, or to lose everything in a fire English thinking life fate
Manna A sudden or unexpected help, advantage, or aid to success English change positive
Goso When you smell sesame oil - that nutty, flavorful, aromatic - mostly used to describe smells of sesame and/or bean paste Korean sensory food
Fremdschämen To be embarrassed by something somebody else did German society thinking adverse
Gemba The real place'; in business it refers to the real place where value is created, such as the factory floor. Instead of depending on hierarchy, the people who are closest to what's happening make decisions. Ie: the more hands-on knowledge a decision-maker has, the better their decision will be. Japanese work cultural
Capoclaque Someone who co-ordinates a group of clappers. Italian society attribute
Nou-nou An indefinite time in the near future. It could be very near, like within a minute or two, or not so very near, like within an hour or three. This time-telling isn't an exact science at all—it's a non-committal way of giving someone a time. Afrikaans time
Durcheinander Complete mess; screwed up beyond all recognition German adverse
Klexos the art of dwelling on the past; coined by John Koenig. English thinking
Kilig It is the sudden feeling of an inexplicable joy one gets when something romantic or idealistic occurs; butterflies. Tagalog feeling love connection
Desir The sound of sand driven by the wind Malay sound nature
Ômä (өмә) Collective helping Bashkir society positive
Zhì (智) Wisdom, perspicacity, knowledge. Chinese thinking awareness
Pneúma (πνεῦμα) Wind; breath; spirit. Greek physical
Hoppilandkalle Guy who jumps to dry land to moor a boat Swedish action
Ignōrāmus Lit. ‘we do not know’ (e.g., the spirit of scientific enquiry), or ‘we take no notice of’ (used in legal contexts, e.g., when deemed evidence to be inadmissible). Latin philosophy growth

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